Test manual

This manual explains where to get Metamask, how to set it to the Sepolia testnet and how to mine some Sepolia Ethereum that can be used to mine/list/sell NFTs on this site (and everywhere else that uses Sepolia Ethereum).

If you don't have metamask, you can download and install it here.

Set up metamask, then change the blockchain to the Sepolia testnet by clicking at the top:

screenshot of the header of Metamask where the button to change chains is

Click the button next to the account name:

screenshot of the blockchain selection in Metamask

Activate the "Show test networks" option, then select the "Sepolia" network.

Now, some SepoliaETH is required to do stuff on the blockchain. You can mine some here.

screenshot of the SepoliaETH faucet site

Here's what each page is for:

  • Marketplace: displays all NFTs that are for sale. Works even without a cryptowallet.
  • Mint NFTs: lets the user mint NFTs. Currently free (only costs gas). Doesn't work without a cryptowallet.
  • My NFTs: displays your NFTs (requires cryptowallet)
  • My Listed NFTs: displays your NFTs liste for sale (requires cryptowallet)
  • Play: plays the game. Requires a login token. A trial token can also be made on the game's login screen.
  • Get login token: obtain a token to play the game. Without a cryptowallet, no blockchain enabled token can be made.